2015 Program

We are happy to share that we have finalized our Program. Packed with exciting movies, discussions with the filmmakers, panel discussion and a Party. Sunday we are looking forward to our short movies competition and the subsequent Award Ceremony. You can download the PDF version of the program here. And feel free to invite your

Call for entries 2015

If you are a filmmaker you can submit your movie from now on. Until 30th of September you have the opportunity to be part of the Greenmotions Film Festival 2015 with you movie. We are very excited to hear and see your stories! Surprise us with your film on renewable energies, the energy transition or

Greenstorming goes Greenmotions

Greenstorming Filmfestival 2014 goes on - but with a new name 2014 over 20 students of the “MSc Renewable Energy Management” at University of Freiburg organized the Greenstorming Filmfestival as part of their study programme. The Energy Transition and sustainability was the natural theme of this festival with the aim to create a deep understanding

Call for volunteers – film reviewing 2024

Greenmotions needs YOU for the film selection for the next festival! Do you like watching movies? Are you interested in sustainability issues? Then we warmly invite you to help us design the program for the upcoming festival! Over the past few months, we have received more than a hundred films of various lengths and

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Call for submissions 2024

Call for entries 2024 Dear filmmakers, you are welcome to submit your movie to the 10th Edition of the Greenmotions Filmfestival in Freiburg, Germany! Greenmotions inspires and encourages people to take active participation in the transition towards a regenerative culture in which humanity harmonises with the rest of the natural world. For a lot

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Call for volunteers 2023

The 9th Edition of Greenmotions Film Festival is taking place from 8th to 12th November in Kommunales Kino, Freiburg. We are looking for volunteers to support us in order to promote one more successful festival. We are very much looking forward to reconnecting with previous volunteers and welcoming new faces to our team. Greenmotions

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Special Topic: “Climate Justice: Perspectives and Solutions from the Global South” – Program

Climate change affects countries and people very differently. Although the countries of the Global South have contributed the least to climate change, it is those particularly vulnerable communities and countries that are particularly suffering from its destructive consequences. At the same time, representatives of the Global South are still not given enough space in

Save the date: Fahrraddisco on November 3rd at Ruefetto

Get ready for a party that celebrates the environment and your fitness! No power plant is needed here, as you and your friends will become a living power plant. With our bicycles, you will generate the electricity for our sound system. Dance, laugh, and drink while actively doing something for your fitness and the environment.

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