We are excited to continue our cooperation with AgriKultur Festival Freiburg once more, with this year’s festival taking place at Escholzpark in Freiburg between 19th and 21st July.

We’d love to see you on Saturday, 20 July, when we’ll be showing three amazing documentaries at the Edith-Stein-Schule (room 111). As with all the festival events, our screenings are free, so please come along!

Here’s a quick overview of what’s on the Greenmotions programme:

13:00 – 15:00 Herders – Guardians of the Earth (Mark Michel, 2022)

Herders – Guardians of the Earth, asks for a rethink on our way of living and connection to nature. Set in stunning landscapes, the film portrays the often invisible and marginalised pastoralist cultures worldwide. It captures the beauty and hardship of this vanishing existence, exploring the deep bond between people and animals, and highlighting a sustainable way of food production.

The film will be shown in English with German subtitles.

15:30 – 17:30 Das Kombinat (Moritz Springer, 2023)

The documentary “DAS KOMBINAT” follows the Kartoffelkombinat in Munich over nine years, charting its growth from an idealistic concept to Germany’s largest community-supported agricultural project. Founders Daniel Überall and Simon Scholl use vegetable cultivation as a Trojan horse for a larger goal: creating an alternative to the capitalist economy. They question production methods, ownership, and who benefits from production. The film doesn’t shy away from depicting the difficulties such a project faces, showing horticultural and personal challenges that nearly derail the project.

The film will be shown in German.

18:00 – 20:00 Anders Essen – Das Experiment (Kurt Langbein und Andrea Ernst, 2021)

In “Anders Essen – Das Experiment” a 4,400 square metre field is planted with the grains, vegetables, fruits, oilseeds, and grasses that an average person consumes, much of which is used for animal feed. The film hopes to highlight the unsustainable nature of our food consumption, which if done by everyone, would require a second Earth. Can anything be done to change this? Three families take on the challenge, providing a glimmer of hope towards reducing our carbon footprint.

The film will be shown in German.

The full programme for this years AgriKultur Festival can be found here: https://indd.adobe.com/view/8cf13b15-41d5-4597-8d83-b441dd248f9e