Die Gärtnertradition spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Welterbestadt Bamberg. An diese Tradition knüpft auch der im Frühjahr 2016 eingerichtete Selbsterntegarten an, mit dem sich der Film „Ernten was man sät“ des Regisseurs Christian Beyer befasst.

Hier geht es zum Trailer und hier zur Webseite des Filmemachers.

The current state of food production in the Western world is leading to the devastation of our land, soil, and air. Industrial farms are contributing not just to poor human health, but to the ever increasing depletion of our natural resources, a reduction in the biodiversity of plants and animals, and in the sustainability of the planet. 60 Seasons – A Conversation around the Future of Food aims to stimulate the dialogue around healthy and sustainable means of food production by depicting the efforts of two small groups within Northumberland County, Ontario. Their aim is to bring sustainable farming methods to their community, while expanding the discourse around environmentally sound food production and providing healthy food choices to those in need.

Watch the trailer and visit the website of the film.