We are very excited to share this year’s program with you! After taking a year off, we will start the 7th edition of the Greenmotions Film Festival on 11 November 2021 with a colorful selection of various documentaries, feature films and short films about ecological topics.
We are very much looking forward to presenting the films on this year’s special theme “Our Water” to the audience. Since the topic of water will pose great challenges for our society in the future we are looking forward to exciting works and discussions dealing with it.
After all screenings there will be discussions with filmmakers or video interviews. Join the workshop on Saturday and get to know local initiatives at the festival!
The first day will be entirely dedicated to WATER, starting with the first opening film “Coral Woman” by Priya Thuvassery on Thursday at 6 pm. The film will take us on an underwater journey through coral reefs and shows how the protagonist uses her art as a tool to call for more environmental protection. The second opening film “Waterproof” at 8.30 pm tells the empowerment story of the friendship of Khawla and Aysha – the first female plumbers in Jordan to secure the water supply for the population.
One highlight is the activist film “Barrikade” on Friday 9 pm for with filmmaker David Klammer as a guest. The screening of “Human Nature – The CRISPR Revolution” on Saturday 6 pm puts nature in a different perspective: How far can science go? Afterwards, at 8.30 pm filmmaker Sarah Moll from Freiburg will present her short film “What life should be about”, followed by the documentary “Push – Für das Grundrecht auf Wohnen” by Fredrik Gertten.
With the screening of “Anders Essen – das Experiment” by Kurt Langbein on Sunday morning at 11 am we offer another special event, co-organized with the Food Council. Sunday afternoon at 4.15 pm we will celebrate the world premiere of “Die Welt sind wir” together with filmmaker Andreas Frickinger.
As always, we celebrate the grand finale of the festival with the short film presentation by our short film jury and the award ceremony. Stay with us afterwards for a drink and some good live-music!
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Click here for the complete program.
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