2024 Special Topic Film Programme

King Coal
Sunday 10.11.2024 | 19:30

Elaine McMillion Sheldon (USE | 2023 | 78 mins)

Language: English

Subtitles : n.a.

Moderation Language: English


Note: Although no entrance fee is required, it is recommended to book in advance. Choose the film session you are interested in on our Filmfreeway platform (tickets are organised per film name and follow the chronological order of our festival). There are no assigned seats.  Please come half an hour before the session. We will give away the tickets that haven’t been collected 15 minutes before the session starts.

KING COAL meditates on the complex history and future of the coal industry, the communities it has shaped, and the myths it has created. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon reshapes the boundaries of documentary filmmaking in a spectacularly beautiful and deeply moving immersion into Central Appalachia where coal is not just a resource, but a way of life. While deeply situated in the communities under the reign of ‘King Coal’, where McMillion Sheldon has lived and worked her entire life, the film transcends time and place, emphasizing the ways in which all are connected through an immersive mosaic of belonging, ritual, and imagination.

wheelchair access / Rollstuhlbefahrbar The cinema is accessible via a ramp.
need for assistance for toilets / hilfestellung There are also toilets accessible with a wheelchair. However assistance might be required since there are a few (heavy) doors to open to arrive to it.
hoeranlage Piktogramm The cinema room is equipped with an inductive sound system. We use two microphones for the discussion afterwards (one for the moderator and/ or speaker, one for the public).
Information about languages is provided above. We tend to provide live interpretation towards English or German when needed (it might be whispered). However live interpretation is harder to put into place when some speakers are taking part online.

No entrance fee is required. We invite our public to support the festival through a donation at the end of the sessions. You decide how much you want to give.