More than 20 Million people are climate refugees. The consequences of climate change and pollution of the environment made their homes unlivable. What is our contribution to this complex of problems?
“Escape from climate change” is a series of events with talks, films and plays about migration due to the destruction of the environment. It will take place from September 16th to December 11th, 2016.
The event “Escape from climate change” is organised by FuSS e.V., FABRIK e.V. and the Katholische Akademie Freiburg. Greenmotions Filmfestival will be part of this series of events presenting selected movies about climate refugees. A special prize will be given to the best movie of this topic.
More information about the event: Flyer (german)
Interview with Josef Mackert, director of studies at Katholische Akademie Freiburg in the news: Der Sonntag (german).
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